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10 Ways the Falcon Winch Assist Helps Contractors Save or Earn More

6 min read
July 8, 2024

For logging contractors, maximising efficiency and minimising costs are crucial for maintaining a sustainable business and ensuring long-term profitability. We look at 10 ways the Falcon Winch Assist can help your operation earn more while also save your operation costs.


Jump to section:

Section 1: Earn more:

  1. Differentiate from highly competitive, lower margin contracts
  2. Win Contracts that Require a Winch
  3. Increased Up-time with Versatility
  4. Provide Expert Advice

Section 2: Save more:

  1. Reduced Fuel Consumption and Running Costs
  2. Recruit and Retain Top Talent
  3. Increased Durability and Longevity
  4. Low Maintenance Requirements
  5. Repurpose Existing Base Machines
  6. Flexible Financing Options


Section 1: Earn More with a Falcon Winch Assist 

Based on speaking to our customers, we narrowed it down to the four ways our customer chose Falcon as their Winch Assist solution.


1: Differentiate from highly competitive, lower margin contracts

In the logging industry, the more generic a harvest contract is, the more competitive it will be with numerous bidders vying for the same job. Depending on the location, this intense competition can drive down profit margins, making it challenging to maintain a sustainable business – think large volume, pruned consistent wood on a flat/rolling terrain.

With the Falcon Winch Assist, you can take on jobs and contracts and contracts that other contractors might deem too difficult or risky, giving you a distinct advantage through alternative ways to harvest. For example, what may have been a manually felling setting could be done in an alternative method such as winch assist and falling machine.

In this scenario, the winch system's capabilities allow you to tackle steep terrain and navigate challenging obstacles, without the associated risk and liability of manually falling. The access to these remote areas that would otherwise be inaccessible provides openings for new opportunities and enabling you to command higher rates for more specialised services.


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Pictured:  We connect with contractors to sell more than a machine. As loggers ourselves, we provide knowledge, expertise and experience into harvesting methods - giving customers insights into how to make the most of winch assisting technology.



2: Win Contracts that Require a Winch

Many logging contracts, particularly those involving steep slopes or difficult terrain, explicitly require the use of a winch system. Without a reliable and powerful winch, you may be ineligible from bidding on or accessing these opportunities. The Falcon Winch Assist not only meets but exceeds the requirements of these contracts, positioning you as a strong contender and increasing your chances of securing these high-value jobs.



3: Increased Uptime and Versatility

Downtime is a significant drain on productivity and profitability in the logging industry – it can make or break a business. With the Falcon Winch Assist, the versatility ensures that your operations can continue running smoothly, even if one machine needs maintenance or repair. Additionally, the ability to use the Falcon Winch Assist for loading out and other subsidiary tasks ensures you have a critical floating machine in your operation, without the associated costs to a dedicate spare resource.

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Pictured:  Forestry contractors are able to use their machines for not only other tasks in harvesting process such as log loading but other industries also. This has enabled contractors maintain profitable work schedules, especially when log prices are low.



4: Provide Expert Advice

With the Falcon Winch Assist in your operation, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable and trusted partner to your forest manager and forest owner partners. By leaning on our expertise and ideas on how to log a setting (which is available to all Falcon customers), combined with your own expertise and experience, you can offer advice on how to best harvest a block for your customer. This consultative approach adds value beyond just the physical labour involved and creates your point of difference.


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Pictured:  We connect with contractors to sell more than a machine. As loggers ourselves, we provide knowledge, expertise and experience into harvesting methods - giving customers insights into how to make the most of winch assisting technology.




Section 2: Save More with the Falcon Winch Assist

When we reached out to Falcon customers, we found six ways our customers saved money with Falcon as their Winch Assist.


1: Reduced Fuel Consumption and Running Costs

Fuel costs are a significant expense for logging operations, and the Falcon Winch Assist is designed with fuel efficiency in mind. Its advanced hydraulic system and optimised power management ensure that you get the most out of your fuel, translating into substantial cost savings over time.

Fuel consumption is kept efficient with the Winch Assist being able to attach to smaller class base machines. For example, a recent fuel consumption case study on a Sany 245F had a fuel consumption of between 7.11L/hr and 16.08L/hr with the median being 13.35L/hr over 1,363.8 hours.



2: Recruit and Retain Top Talent

Skilled and experienced operators are invaluable assets in the logging industry. By investing in well-known equipment like the Falcon Winch Assist, you demonstrate your commitment to providing your team with the best tools and technology available. This not only helps attract top talent but also fosters a sense of pride and job satisfaction among your existing operators, improving employee retention and reducing the costs associated with frequent turnover.



3: Increased Durability and Longevity

The Falcon Winch Assist is built to withstand the rigors of the logging industry, with high-quality materials and components that are designed to last. The robust design and manufacturing of the system is engineered for durability, longevity and dependability. This translates into fewer breakdowns, less downtime, and lower replacement costs, ultimately saving you money and ensuring your operations run smoothly for years to come.

Best of all, the indirect cost savings are many – including value preservation. When you buy a Falcon, you’re buying a winching solution that will not only last decades but also be resalable due to its long lifespan.



Pictured:  One of the first Winch Assists that was developed in 2013, is still currently used, over 11 years and thousands of hours later.


4: Low Maintenance Requirements

In addition to its durable construction, the Falcon Winch Assist is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. It’s simple yet intuitive design, combined with best-practice engineering specifications means we have built it for the job to be done, and some. This means when you’re operating a Falcon Winch Assist, you’re not operating it on it’s limits but within parameters that are low on wear long term.




Pictured:  the Falcon Winch Assist is designed and purpose-built reducing R&M costs and directly positively impacting your bottom line as a logging contractor.


5: Repurpose Existing Base Machines

Investing in entirely new equipment can be a significant financial burden for many logging operations. With the Falcon Winch Assist, you can give a new life into your existing base machines by adding the winch system. This approach not only maximises the value of your existing assets but also allows you to spread the cost of the investment over a longer period, making it more manageable and cost-effective. 

With the second-hand base machine market offering high value for money, it has become a popular solution for logging contractors for several reasons. These include the ability to retain existing machines within their operation, which they are familiar with and trust, providing peace of mind. Alternatively, contractors can purchase a second-hand base machine at a lower price point, freeing up more working capital for their operation.



Pictured:  New Zealand based contractor Wise On Woods, repurposed a CAT log loader into a winch assist. The first had great results, so they implemented another one exactly the same.



6: Flexible Financing Options

Recognising that a significant upfront investment can be a barrier for some logging operations, DC Equipment partners with distributors and finance companies that offer flexible financing options for the Falcon Winch Assist. These options allow you to acquire the winch system without straining your cash flow. Additionally, the Falcon Winch Assist itself can serve as equity, enabling you to borrow against its value and leverage its potential to generate revenue for your business.